Nasser Asphalt
Género: Feature film / Extract
Ano: 1958
Duração: 05:48 min
Descrição: The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Greg Bachmann, a young and avid reporter, is more than lucky to be able to work for the famous press mogul Cesar Boyd. Bachmann has just recently been released from prison and gratefully accepts the offer to become Boyd′s right-hand man. But after some time, Bachmann slowly manages to see through the façade of the news tycoon and he finds out that Boyd′s power is based on a giant fabric of lies. Then, one day, Boyd wants Bachmann to turn one of his bogus stories into a sensational cover story: Five german soldiers have allegedly survived six years in a Russian bunker. When Boyd tries to justify his brand of sensational journalism, Bachmann realizes that he has to choose between a career as a reporter and his own moral values.
"Nasser Asphalt" ("Wet Asphalt") was digitized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe" (FFE) in 2021., the central internet platform for German cinema and a department of DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut und Filmmuseum, documents the progress and results of "Förderprogramm Filmerbe", which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the German federal states and the German Federal Film Board. The first five minutes of feature-length films digitized with funding from the FFE are presented on to document the successful completion of the respective project.
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright
Companhia produtora: Inter West Film GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Frank Wysbar
Tipo de documento:
Language: de